Below is a collection on Fanfiction done by myself or others related to Chibiusa and Hotaru. If you would like to contribute, please email me with your name, a way to contact you (an email or website is fine), the title of your work, and of course your story or a link to your story. I also ask you do not take any works from this page without first contacting the author and asking permission to use their story. Thank you.Finding a Purpose in Life
Author: Your local webmaster
Summary: Ever wonder what Hotaru was thinking during her and Chibiusa's first meeting? I explore a possibility of what was going through her mind.
Suffocating the Firefly's Light
Author: Your local webmaster
Summary: A story focusing on Hotaru's reaction to the bunny back pack she received from Chibiusa during the S season anime. This story involves Kaorinite, and shows how this woman loves to toy with poor Hotaru.
The Creature Inside
Author: Your local webmaster
Summary: What if the beast inside Hotaru tried to take the life of her best friend? How would Chibiusa handle a situation in when her life was threatened by the being possessing Hotaru? Fate can be cruel for the innocent.