Suffocating the Firefly's Light
On her bed, Hotaru laid on her stomach, and propped her head up with her hands. She placed the small, hand-written note in-between her elbows, and re-read the message again. A little smile grew across her face, as could imagine her best friend writing the invitation. I know it's dangerous, but I want to see her. I'm different, but..don't I have a right to have a friend too? I'll control myself, no matter what. I refuse to let that thing hurt her. Being with Chibiusa-chan makes me so happy. For a while, I can forget about all the bad things, and just..enjoy being alive."Bring this back pack along with you!"
Hotaru gazed over at the cute, bunny back pack her friend had given her. It seems better for Chibiusa-chan..maybe I can buy her one too. I remember seeing it in the store window. That way, we could have matching back packs. Hotaru blushed, day-dreaming of the day she would buy the item, and see her friend's smiling face when she gave it to her. Hotaru almost romantic expression was quickly replaced with one of fear, when the door to her room suddenly slammed shut. The firefly shot her head up to see the woman she hated the most. Kaorinite smirked, and placed her hand on her hip.
"Oh my, did I frighten you, Hotaru-chan?"
"What are you doing in here? You have no right to come into my room without permission." A look of sheer hatred on her face, Hotaru reached for the rabbit bag and the precious note from her friend. She quickly, but gently, placed the note in the front pouch, and put the bag behind her. The last thing she wanted was for Kaorinite to get any ideas. The back pack was her present, and the cocky woman had no right to even see it. Kaorinite watched the young girl's preditory motions with a wicked smile.
"I'm beginning to believe you don't trust me, Hotaru."
Hotaru pressed her lips together. "I have never trusted you. Since the moment you entered my life, all you've done is make my life a living hell. Flirt with my father every chance you get, then abuse me right under his nose. Why Papa ever invited you into this house I will never know, but know your place. You are my father's assistant, nothing more, nothing less. Don't but into ours lives like you're a angel. Papa may not know, but I certainly do. All you are is the devil in disguise."
Kaorinite covered her mouth with the back of her hand, and laughed out loud. "My, how scary. Being threatened by a little freak like you, I might as well fall to my knees, and beg for forgiveness, ne?" The young woman flicked her hand in a dramatic, mocking fashion.
"..Don't..Don't test me!" Hotaru leaped off her bed, and clutched her fingers into a fist on each hand. Kaorinite didn't even flinch. This little game was amusing her, and she knew there would be no way her play-thing would ever win. Still, it was a sight to see her try.
"I suppose you'll punish me, then?"
Hotaru glared sharply at her worst enemy, her teeth slightly bared. "Punish? No..I'll..I'll..I'll kill you!" Hotaru screamed at the top of her lungs, her hair falling in front of her face. The something inside her was stirring. She could feel it just beneath her skin, fighting to get out. Hotaru debated in her mind if for once, should she actually let it take over without a struggle. Would it do what she could never do? Would she awaken on the floor, half exhausted, to see Kaorinite's lifeless eyes staring back at her? The temptation was so overwhelming, Hotaru thought she could drown in it. Her internal rush was interrupted by an echoing laughter in her ears. Hotaru raised her head, to see the laughter coming from the older woman.
"You're quite the demon yourself, aren't you, Hotaru-chan? You feel it in, deep in your veins, that urge to destroy everything. You can easily kill me without much guilt, but what about her? How would you feel, having her blood all over your hands?"
"Shut up.."
"What's the matter? The thought of murdering that little girl send chills up your spine?" Kaorinite smirked. Playing mind games with the young girl was one of her favourite hobbies.
"I..I would never hurt Chibiusa-chan! You can say whatever you want, but I will never harm her." Although Hotaru's words were strong, her eyes revealed her weakness and speculation.
"Well, I guess we'll see, won't we? Good luck, Hotaru-chan." Tossing her hair off her shoulder, Kaorinite flashed one last cruel smile before opening the firefly's bedroom door, and closing it behind her.
The young girl fought to control her breathing. The spike in her emotional state had taken its toll on her delicate body. She placed her fist in front of her heart, and tried to make it to her bed. Her feet collapsed beneath her before she could make it. Leaning half way up on her bed, Hotaru breathed heavily, and raised her pain expression. Reaching over, she grabbed her precious back pack. A small smile appeared on her face, then quickly faded when her hand slipped, and her body landed roughly on the floor below. The pain in her arm pulsed through her whole body, while her chest felt like it was on fire. Laying on her side on the dark, violet carpet, Hotaru pressed the present to her chest, her heavy breathing making one of the rabbit's ear flutter back and forth. The young firefly was in extreme pain, but somehow, the little rabbit seemed to help. Hotaru closed her eyes, and imagined her best friend cheering her on. The young girl put up a strong resistance, and suppressed the evil deep inside of her. Her soul finally back in her control, Hotaru sighed in relief, and hugged the rabbit in her arms tightly. Any doubt she had in regards to the safety of her best friend was crushed. She could fight, and she would fight. Chibiusa-chan, I promise I..I won't give up.