Finding a Purpose in Life
The crisp breeze felt refreshing against her skin. Hotaru had been kept inside for so long, she had nearly forgotten what fresh air felt like. Luckily, her body had been strong today, thus her father allowed her to go outside, as long as she didn't push herself. Hotaru promised her father she wouldn't, and walked to her favourite park. Wandering around for a bit, Hotaru admired the changing colours of the trees. The usual greens were replaced with a rainbow of reds, oranges, and browns. Hotaru gazed at the tress with a small smile. They're so beautiful. I wish I could be like them, shedding their old selves and preparing for a new start. The young girl hung her head, the old feelings of self-pity stirring in her mind again. When she caught herself, Hotaru shook her head, and tightened her grip around the book in her hand. No, now's not that time for that. I have to enjoy my time being out, since I have no idea how my body will fare in the coming weeks. Nodding slightly to herself, Hotaru walked slowly through the maze of trees, until she found a quiet spot with a bench. In her mind, it was her spot. She often sat on that bench, and read. It helped her escape her harsh reality, and pretend the laughter around her was her own.The book she was reading held her attention very well. There was something exciting about the idea of traveling across the world. Hotaru couldn't do such a thing, but doing so in her imagination was a treat for her. She could picture the majestic pyramids of Egypt, or the tropical rain forest deep within Africa. Hotaru turned the page, as her eyes followed the string of words. In the back of her mind, she could hear a faint commotion to the right of her some feet away. Part of her was curious, but the other part was far too interested in her fascinating novel. As her mind pictured what a fierce and hungry tiger would look like if it was mere inches away from her, she heard a rather loud, yet almost cute voice. Tearing her eyes away from her book, Hotaru saw a young girl rushing towards her. Was what she yelling, something about a hat? When Hotaru raised her gaze, she understood, as a small, yellow hat with a ruffled ribbon flew overhead. Normally, such things would not interest her. Hotaru feared people, and felt more comfortable away from their cruel and judging eyes. However, something inside her told her to get up. Hotaru didn't hesitate to listen to the small voice inside of her. It sounded like a foreign voice, but she blindly obeyed it. Somewhere deep inside, the young firefly wanted to help the young girl. Her face was so desperate, and Hotaru couldn't stand to see innocent people in such a state of utter helplessness.
Placing her book down, Hotaru pushed herself off the wooden bench, and began to dash after the hat. She knew her body would punish her for exerting herself so much, but it didn't matter to her. She would face any punishment, because for once in her life, she was needed. She wasn't the freak in the back of her classroom, or her father's assistance's play thing, she was just a human who could aid another human in a time of need. Although her lungs felt like they were on fire, Hotaru smiled. Being useful, it was a feeling Hotaru embraced with her whole being. Part of her wished the hat would float in the autumn breeze forever, so she would never forget this feeling. Having value, being needed, and saving an item that was special to someone, to Hotaru it felt like an early Christmas present. One she wanted to cherish the rest of her life.